


European Aviation Maintenance and Consulting Ltd.

H-1048 Budapest,
Homoktövis utca 118. fszt/2


+36 30 3056495

+36 1 798 6200


Do you prefer filling a form to making phone calls or writing e-mails?

Contact us via our online form here!

Survey's form@result's

  • Aircraft Maintenance and Technical support Survey

    Dear Customer! We would like to thank you for taking time to answer our Aircraft Maintenance satisfaction survey. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valuable to us. In order to accurately capture your perception of our performance, please answer the survey hereafter: Excellent:5 Good:4 Average:3 Poor:2 Very poor:1 Not relevant:N/R

    Company Name *:
    Your Name: *:
    Your position: *:
    Email/Phone: *:
    Country: *:
    A/C type: *:
    Date: *:
    1. Are you satisfied with the maintenance staff’s technical skill and expertise? *:

    2. Are you satisfied with the quality of service? *:

    3. How find helpful and polite in our service? *:

    4. The provided service covered all your requirements? *:

    5. Please rate our activities in the aviation maintenance, with other service providers! *:

    6. Would you recommend our services to your business partners/others/your connections? *:

    7. How find flexibility in additional work? *:

    8. Assistance in engineering and technical support if required? *:

    9. Please give us your global appreciation: *:

    Please feel free to write Your comments below: *:
    Personal Privacy Statement acceptance *:

    A csillaggal (*) jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező!

  • nayak service italy